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Enchantments by Mya Spalter - Hardback

Enchantments by Mya Spalter - Hardback


The modern witches guide to self-possession!

Witches and witchcraft are having a moment of increased cultural significance. It makes sense that when the rights of women, gender nonconforming people, and religious minorities are under constant attack from institutions of power, a non-hierarchical, goddess centered, style of spirituality has a markedly increased appeal. Many people are feeling drawn toward practices that offer some way toward meaning, peace, and a sense of self possession. In this book, Mya Spalter offers practical information for building your own eclectic, self-guided witchcraft practice alongside beautiful black and white illustrations by artist Caroline Paquita: how to set up a home altar, how to cast a love spell on yourself (which is really the best way), the many uses for candles, the differences between need and greed in money magic. On every page, Mya's tone is smart, hilarious, and relatable - there's room in this book for the believer, the skeptic, and the curious in all of us.

Reduced from £9 to £7.50

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