Witches Library

Materia Medica Journal: Herbalism For Health (HB)

Materia Medica Journal: Herbalism For Health (HB)


If you love wellbeing and being out in nature, then why not learn all about herbs and their health benefits? There are so many plants, and most of them do such wonderful things for both our physical and mental health, not to mention just being outdoors, breathing in fresh air, being in natural light and allowing ourselves to touch so many trees and plants.
Admittedly, herbalism can be a mine field and the easiest way to learn what each plant does is to journal your finding as you work with each plant.

This journal gives you plenty of space to list 70 plants, its common name, Latin name, it's uses and methods, contra-indications and other cautions and a section for dosages for anything you try. Through this process, you will soon start to form a great educational knowledge of the plants you want to work with.

There is even space to stick part of the plant into the book, paste a photo or if your artistically inclined, draw the plant on each page. Each plant gets a double page and to finish there are 22 pages for recipes and remedies at the back.
This journal really will be your own little piece of creative herbal history and more importantly a keepsake.

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